Mosque Projects


Mosque Projects

On Our Architecture with Architect Necip Dinç

Turkey and abroad over the face with architectural work we have carried out an interview with the architect Necip Dincer. In the conversation, we will discuss what architecture is, the importance of architecture in terms of our cultural history, how our beliefs, values, traditions and customs manifested themselves in Ottoman architecture, what was taken into consideration in the establishment of Ottoman cities, the development process of classical Turkish architecture, how our classical period architecture shaped Istanbul, and our religious architecture. We talked about what a path should be followed for its development and many more. We would like to thank the architect Necip Dinç from here once again …


Can we get to know you briefly?

My name is Necip Dinç. I am from Sivas. I am originally from Şarkışla. 1969 Star graduate. When we graduated, Yıldız was Istanbul Architecture Engineering Academy, then Yıldız Technical University. I have implemented various projects at home and abroad. Unfortunately, we could not find the opportunity to apply some of them as we wanted. I would like to emphasize the following point that four conditions must be met in order for a successful application to emerge. These are adequate funding, a mature project, quality materials and skilled workmanship. The higher these are, the more success is achieved. One of my projects that I am very happy with in this respect is Kırıkkale Nur Mosque and Complex. I believe that we are 80% successful in the implementation of this project. If the dimensions we mentioned can be reached by 90%, the ideal will be achieved. Because this is, after all, the structure of a servant, not a structure of God. Creating a flawless work belongs to Allah. If Sinan was alive, maybe he would be able to realize some of his shortcomings that we cannot see in order to reach a more perfect one. Sami Efendi, one of our seven famous calligraphers, corrects an article 6 months after completing this article. Five years have passed, he is revising the same article again. In other words, the idea, experience and skill are reflected in the maturation of the work over time. It is generally accepted that the phases of this situation in architecture take place as follows. In the first design, a solution is produced with 60% preliminary project, 80% maturity is reached with the application project. With the opportunities and developing ideas emerging during the implementation phase, a successful application at the level of approximately 90% can be achieved.

What is architecture? What is the significance of this art for our cultural history?

Architecture is included in the plastic section of fine arts. Elements that bring plastic arts to life; it is form, light, shadow and color. Fine works of art not only evoke emotional excitement in the souls of their interlocutors, but also make statements to them and give them religious, historical and cultural messages. Like other arts, the art of architecture is woven from the character, spiritual and spiritual structure of the nation that produced it, reflecting the values ​​of the civilization and cultural clan to which it belongs.

Architectural art is one of the basic principles of our cultural accumulation. Our architectural art is brought to life by our belief principles, value system and mentality. At the same time, our worldview, our daily life, our understanding of the environment, our hygiene habits, our customs, our customs and even our neighborhood relations show themselves in our architectural art.

How did our beliefs, values, traditions and customs manifest themselves in Ottoman architecture?

XVI, in which Ottoman architecture found its perfection. The influence of the belief of oneness is evident in the construction of temples in the 16th century. As the mass ascended gradually from the ground to the dome, it was tried to reach the dome with all the elements, and while reaching the dome, the best examples of coherence, generosity, reunion and solidarity were given. Unity is provided in the understanding of space and mass.

The main reason that brought the institutions to the body in the complex is the teachings and value system of Islam. For example, the hadith “It is not one of us who wakes up when his neighbor is hungry” has been instrumental in the establishment of soup kitchens and soup kitchens. In the background of the establishment of caravansaries and tabhanes (guesthouses), there are the meanings and notions of the nasas that encourage the passengers, who are stuck on the road called ibnü’s-sebil, and attach great importance to visiting. The manifestation of the importance given to cleanliness in Islam are baths. The extraordinary importance Islam gave to science, in particular, led to the construction of madrasahs. The importance given to trade has shown itself with the building of our bazaars, bazaars and covered bazaars.

Birdhouses built on the facades of houses, mosques, shops, inns and baths both reflected the elegant aesthetic understanding of the Muslim society and became a tangible expression of the love and compassion shown to animals. The civilization, which has aimed to be in peace and harmony with itself and the world of beings and has thus taken the truth of the word “Islam” at its center, takes into account the storm, the rain and the scorching sun, so that the birds can protect and shelter them.


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