Acoustic Panel


Acoustic Panel

They are wooden panels that absorb or reflect noise in indoor environments and provide quality sound perception that helps acoustic arrangement. It has holes and joints. There are models that can be used on walls or ceilings. They are manufactured using MDF and Mdf-Lam wood panels. The frequency of the joints and the number of holes on these panels determine the perforation rate of the panel, namely the acoustics. Joint acoustic panels are panels that gain acoustic feature by opening the joints with axes suitable for the holes on the front side of the wooden panel. There is a Soundtex brand acoustic cloth behind each panel.

Scope of application:

Discos, radio and TV stations, crowded offices, information line centers, wedding and movie theaters, restaurants, offices, conservatory study halls, shooting ranges, wedding halls, call centers, shopping malls, theaters, conferences, gyms, swimming pools, call centers.

Uygulama Alanları:

Diskolar, radyo ve Tv santralleri, kalabalık ofisler, danışma hattı merkezleri, nikah ve sinema salonları, restoranlar, bürolar, konservatuvar çalışma salonları atış poligonları, düğün salonları, çağrı merkezleri, AVM’ ler, tiyatro, konferans, spor salonları, yüzme havuzları, çağrı merkezleri.


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